Sunday, July 7, 2013

What news means to me

Every single morning, people all over the world wake up to go grab their newspapers, turn on their TV’s, and log on to their computers to catch the morning news. And each night, families sit down in the living room together to watch 60 minutes or their nightly news. News has become an automatic task, something people do everyday because it has been done for years. News to me is what bonds people together. It keeps everyone in the loop, linked into each other. People want to know what their leaders have decided, what popular people have been doing, what good and evil has graced the earth. When people know what is going on around them, they are able to participate in intelligent conversations. News is the one thing that everyone has in common, the one thing that all people have a desire to know what will be recorded in history books, and how they’re apart of it. That is why news is so important to me, and why delivering news is the most important job of all, in my opinion. 

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